Oh, no. I said it. Out loud. Homemaking. Settin' the women's movement back. Despite my openly old-fashioned beliefs, EVERYONE needs to know a few things about keeping house. One day, everyone will likely live on their own or with roommates. They'll need to pull their own weight, wear clean clothes, add some of their personality to a space, and, ya know, not starve (ok, The Girl might starve, 'cause she is just NOT down with the cookin' thing). And that toilet ain't gonna scrub itself. So here's some tips you can apply to making your own home, making a home for your family, or making a home to share with your kangaroo...'cause sometimes it's like that.
Me Father, He Was Orange and Me Mother, She Was Green -- My St. Patrick's Day Mantle
Going Green -- Emma's madeover dresser
I-Don't-Care Curtains a.k.a Patchwork Curtains -- Not quite a tutorial
Pantry Perils --A list to get you started
To The Hippiemobile. Wait. What?--The beginnings of establishing the bohemian look